My working partner and I chose to do this music video because it is different from what most music videos were chosen to talk about. It provides a unique approach to show a link between the lyrics and the acting.

This is near enough the first shot of the two main players in the music video. Is is demonstrating that there perhaps is something going on between the two as the body language and the position implies this. Also, it shows that there has been some conflict or that the male is not interested in the female

The screen capture displayed here is showing the type of body language again between the both of them. The way that the females body has created a distance between the two may imply that it is a love/hate relationship (binary opposites). The way that the camera isn't directly onto the actor/singer brings the attention of the audience's eye to draw in on them. It also demonstrates the different areas that they are filmed in during the music video.

The third screen capture here is showing that the male is begging for forgiveness, or/and is in a much lower position than the female. Making him look smaller makes the audience think twice about the relation between these two. The lighting throughout the music video is constant, being that both characters are in light and shown clearly. We know from this that the music video is trying to tell a story from what they are doing.
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