Tuesday 8 November 2011

Filming; the days

So, the filming is now (almost) completed! Hooray! Everything ran smoothly however, the weather was definitely not on our side these past two days because it was misty, cold and wet. We did not let the typical British weather ruin the filming. Here are a few images to give you an inside into what we did. Also, taking a variety of different photographs enables us to decide what we want our final digipak design to look like.

Photographs were taken as well as filming. This gives the photograph a more realistic view rather than having someone posing for the camera all the time.
Awaiting the signal to throw the balloons in the air, cheeky grin from Lauren there.
Guitar in the tree, an artistic view? Perhaps an idea for the digipak later on in the design.
 Abby and Laura, getting equipment back up the rock side and also, stumbling around slipping on the rocks! Fun!
Lauren being cute, almost child like expression with grasping the teddy bear in her heads peering over the top
Behind the scenes, checking that the footage taken was good enough for us to keep! Amy looking very intellectual here.  
 Location, Rutland Water, as you can see it was misty over the waters and also the due is visible on the grounds, however was still the perfect location
 Behind the scenes, awaiting queue to start filming
Lauren, Abby and Laura playing childhood games sitting on a picnic blanket (in fairness i wouldn't sit on that wet floor!)
Lauren, yet again being cute running around with the teddy on her shoulders

 Lauren's the perfect girl to play a childish role. The little cheeky smile and the way she holds the teddy bear!
 Abby and Laura, sisters at play!

 I love Abby's face in this!

Monday 7 November 2011

Planning; schedule for the day

Monday 7th November;
This day is the day dedicated to the performance side of our music video. For our music video, we need to make sure that the performer keeps any acting simple and that we know he is comfortable in his surroundings. When coming to props, the performer needs to make sure that he has a guitar to show the acoustic genre.

Tuesday 8th November;
This is the day we've decided to film the actors. Actors need to be able to act like children and enable the transition between performer, song/lyrics and narrative to run as smoothly as possible. Actors need to make sure they have the suitable props they need in order for the child like impression to come across in the audiences' eyes.

We need to bare in mind that at this time of year the weather can be an absolute nightmare (unpredictable) therefore us as a group need to communicate with both actors and performer to make sure they know to bring warm clothes and some waterproofs so that they are as comfortable as possible. Also, the weather can sometimes have an effect on what we want to do and may also damage the equipment we are using, in this case, the group and I need to protect everything we have.

Planning; costume for actors

For our actors/actresses, we want them to be able to pull across a childish appearance throughout the music video. To help us do this, we need to keep in mind both costume AND props that they may have/hold to show the child like memories in the video. We want them to be able to show individuality and pull across the different ways in which people lived their lives when they were younger. The idea of our music video is 'childhood memories' therefore we are coming up with ideas from our actors/actresses to help us bring ideas together.
Costumes we want for our actors/actresses;
These may include...
Pig Tails - 
Colourful - 
Child girl clothing - 
Child boy clothing - 

Props may include items such as teddy bears, Christmas decorations, birthday cake etc.

Planning; costume for performer

For the performer in our music promo we want to keep it 'individual'. This is usually the look any acoustic artist would go for throughout their music promo (as demonstrated by Ed Sheeran). The style is usually laid back, however it can also look fairly smart, the idea of having a 'laid back' approach to their style is so that the audience pay more attention to what the artist is playing and the lyrics rather than concentrating on their style of clothing. An acoustic artist express themselves through their lyrics rather than what they wear (unlike genres such as rap and rock)

In our music promo, we want our performer to be able to pull off this look, however we also want our performer to be comfortable with the way he looks. We've chosen a simple checkered shirt (long sleeved), beige trousers and perhaps a coat (if it is cold). This look isn't too outstanding as it ties in with the modern day clothing that males wear.

These photos may not portray across my point very clearly however, you can see what i'm trying to get at.

Planning; Locations

For our music promo, we need wide open spaces. Now we can't guarantee we'll have fantastic weather on the days of the filming however we are going to go;
Burghley house grounds (Stamford)
Burghley house was chosen as one of our locations because the area that it is set in is perfect for our performance side to the music video. However, we do not plan on using the actual building in our music video as it will not go with the story line (it will look out of place) This place lets our minds be creative, the amount of trees, open spaces and wildlife, anything is possible. For example, getting a dear in shot would be perfect as it shows a calm and relaxing atmosphere (fitting in with the song perfectly)

Rutland Waters (and other woodland areas such as Bourne Woods)
Rutland Water and Bourne Woods are the areas that we are going to be filming the childhood memories in. We've chosen these locations because they both have wide open spaces situated next to it and also have different areas that are perfect to film in. For example, at Rutland Water, there is a perfect lake to be able to do the skimming stone shot in. We also felt that these locations are good for creative work, let our minds run wild and that we can get a range of different shots for each childhood memory (so different locations for one memory and see which one works out the best)

Other small bits and bobs we are going to do individually at our houses.

Streets and houses are perfect for shots such as the bike ride and Halloween. We plan on filming shots for Christmas, carving the pumpkin and sweets in individual homes (also pets if we can get any) As well as them, we plan on filming the bike and ghost down the street (typical shots of when you're a child, first bike ride, dressing up for Halloween).

Planning; Shot List

Family photographs
Slow motion zoom out from performer holding guitar

Verse 1-
Bike ride
Birthday/ birthday cake
Eating ice cream

Verse 2-
Skimming stones

Verse 3-
Stepping stones/ paddling water
More old photographs
Holding hands
Play ground games

Verse 4-
Fair shots
Building blocks /drawing

Verse 5-
Halloween- pumpkin/ sweets
Ghost/ woods

Verse 6-
Focusing on lights
Eyes closing
Day ending

We may not stick to this shot list entirely however, as our idea for the music video is for childhood memories we can therefore place shots where we think fits best. At the moment we think this feels best for the song as its in a seasonal order. Also, the ones I think would fit best are the shots at the end (because of the lyrics).

Planning; Storyboard

Click to enlarge

Audience Research; the feedback, continued

Audience Research; the feedback

After placing our questionnaire on facebook, I managed to gather some information from friends and family. Here are the responses I received off people;
Lizi Howard -
16 - 21
Ed Sheeran - Lego House (Official Video + Acoustic Version), Coldplay - Paradise
A track thats purely voice and single instrument - No post-editing to song. Calm.
Mainly Performance shots, Non dramatic storyline. Nature, all eyes on the singer.
Mid, Close, and Instrument shots.
Surrounded with nature, rivers, fields, trees, with a happy, warm welcoming atmosphere

Jason Rushton -
rihanna's new one,
 older fashioned music, most likely live performance,
 stage etc

Tamara Taylor - Female. 
 Recent videos – Enter Shikari’s sssnakepit, LMFAO – Sexy and I Know it.
 I associate people like Birdy and Lana Del Ray with Acoustic. (whether this is right is a different matter.. haha) 
My expectations are like guitars, slow music, peaceful scenary, light colour scenes. 
Long shots in acoustic videos.
I expect like forests and open spaces for acoustic videos

As you can see, some people were more helpful than others, however this is able to help us with our final idea, and helps us define what people expect to see

Audience Research; the questionnaire

What gender are you?
Male/ Female

What age range are you?

What recent music videos have you watched and enjoyed?

What do you associate with the acoustic genre?

What are your expectations of an acoustic music video?

What shot types do you expect in an acoustic music video?
Long shot
Close up
Mid shot

What locations do you expect to see in an acoustic music video?

What images/ thoughts are created by this song?  (Play song)

Here is the questionnaire that my group and I felt were the type of questions we needed to know. It gives us a good idea one what our audience wants and expects from our final piece.