Monday, 7 November 2011

Planning; Locations

For our music promo, we need wide open spaces. Now we can't guarantee we'll have fantastic weather on the days of the filming however we are going to go;
Burghley house grounds (Stamford)
Burghley house was chosen as one of our locations because the area that it is set in is perfect for our performance side to the music video. However, we do not plan on using the actual building in our music video as it will not go with the story line (it will look out of place) This place lets our minds be creative, the amount of trees, open spaces and wildlife, anything is possible. For example, getting a dear in shot would be perfect as it shows a calm and relaxing atmosphere (fitting in with the song perfectly)

Rutland Waters (and other woodland areas such as Bourne Woods)
Rutland Water and Bourne Woods are the areas that we are going to be filming the childhood memories in. We've chosen these locations because they both have wide open spaces situated next to it and also have different areas that are perfect to film in. For example, at Rutland Water, there is a perfect lake to be able to do the skimming stone shot in. We also felt that these locations are good for creative work, let our minds run wild and that we can get a range of different shots for each childhood memory (so different locations for one memory and see which one works out the best)

Other small bits and bobs we are going to do individually at our houses.

Streets and houses are perfect for shots such as the bike ride and Halloween. We plan on filming shots for Christmas, carving the pumpkin and sweets in individual homes (also pets if we can get any) As well as them, we plan on filming the bike and ghost down the street (typical shots of when you're a child, first bike ride, dressing up for Halloween).

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