Thursday 9 June 2011

What makes a music video effective? Look at the conventions involved

The first ever pop music video was not out till the mid 1970's. This record was done by the band 'Queen', bohemian rhapsody. A music video can be effective in many ways. Most of them portray the lyrics of the song, for example Cigarettes and Alcohol by Oasis. This is a good way to show an effective music video because the video itself shows drugs/smoking and alcohol abuse and gives a view across that this is what the 1990's was like.
Here's a link to the music video.
To make sure your music video reaches its full potential and that it is a major hit, you've got to take into consideration the role of the lighting, set and the cameras themselves. Dodgy camera work will not win over the audience's eye. However, in the Oasis video, they use a technique which enhances the viewers mind into believing that they are there, and perhaps may also imply that they are 'drunk'. 

Lighting is important, especially on the band as it helps to show how the music video is suppose to be portrayed, it also provides an insight to what the song maybe about.
 This image displayed on the left is from the music video Cigarettes and Alcohol. Even though the video is in black and white, the lighting helps to make the band stand out from the darkness. So, for example this screen capture shows a spotlight being shown on a guitarist. This would make the video effective because of how they are showing each individual throughout it.

The setting has to link back to what you initial plan was when making the music video. It has either got to associate with the lyrics or use a black screen behind it and add in other clips. There isn't any point in constructing the final piece if the setting alone isn't correct.

The narrative (lyrics) portray the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are/were okay in the 1990's. The narrative usually tells the audience what is going on throughout the music video and they don't always make total sense. Some music videos are used for promoting films, such as paramore's decode promoting twilight. This is an effective music video because it makes people want to watch the film it's related to.

The correct conventions have to be used well, throughout the duration of the music video. It is vital that this is perfect else people will not see the need and nor wanting to view the music video. Lady Gaga's music video 'Pokerface' used different conventions well throughout the pop video. For example, refer back to her unique style and also relate back to unusual dance moves. Also, the music video changes the scenery, this catches the attention of their target audience.
 These print screen shots from Lady Gaga's pop video 'Pokerface' show the different types of conventions used. Some of the them are related the the actual lyrics (for example the screen shot in the middle, top row, showing her poker face) whereas others are just through her style of fashion.

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