Thursday 12 January 2012

Ancillary Tasks; Making the Magazine Article

To create our magazine article, we used photoshop. This is because it is a bit more advanced compared to the average paint that you get on the computers.
We started by getting an A4 plain document on photoshop, this would be our basic outline we followed to create the finish design

 Applying a white to black gradient helped create an affect in which we can work around. Having a variety of lightly coloured photos and darker ones meant that we were able to use this gradient to its full advantage.

Adding the images to the page. We wanted to go for a collage effect on the magazine article, however each individual picture would hide the one underneath it and so on and so forth. Therefore, to make it look more effective we changed the opacity of the image, making it a little transparent to blend the images together.

After we completed adding the images to the page (the above image), my group and I had the task of adding writing to the page and making it stand out to the audience. Also, because we wanted white writing, we'd need to put the writing at the bottom of the page as the gradient allowed the white writing to stand out.

The writing we included on the magazine article was conventional for this type of genre. We've included; the artist's name, the song title, how it would be available, websites and also a release date. The websites would help to build a fan base meaning that the artist would become (hopefully) globally known.

1 comment:

  1. Rebekah, there is some good work on here and I know that you have worked hard to try and stay up to date. I am posting this checklist on everyone's blog so that they can check what should be posted bfeore the evaluation goes on:

    • Conventions of a promo
    • Conventions of ancillary tasks
    • Summarise groupings
    • Research and select a track
    • Analyse 3 promos of same genre in detail
    • Analyse 2 examples of each ancillary task
    • Deconstruct the lyrics for chosen track
    • Deconstruct the music for chosen track
    • Research and summarise promotional strategies
    • Complete and show audience research into expectations for a promo & ancillary tasks
    • Storyboards/mood boards
    • Notes on theoretical approaches to a music promo
    • Summarise the institutions that exhibit promos
    • Research and explore representations of similar bands
    • Planning for shooting – locations, props, actors, settings, lighting
    • Draft and develop shooting scripts and storyboards
    • Blogs on progress throughout the task
    • Audience evaluation and feedback

    Not much to do then?!
