Thursday 22 September 2011

Brief ideas for the music promo

In my group with has discussed a few ideas on what we could do in the final music video. Initially we came up with the idea that the song was reviving childhood memories (this was later backed up by the email from Carl Hauck). So here is a brief list on what we might included in the music video (to be finalized)
  1. Balloons; letting go of a balloon or balloons falling from the ceiling
  2. Eating ice cream at the beach
  3. Cowboys and Indians
  4. Skimming stones across the water
  5. Christmas; opening of presents
  6. BBQ
  7. Leaves kicking
  8. Looking back on childhood photographs
  9. Ghosts
  10. Family day trips
  11. Holding hands/young love/first kiss
  12. Adults behaving like children
  13. Dressing up in your parents clothes
Of there will be more ideas, however these are what we have come up with so far. Also, as we can't really film children (as we'd need to get full permission from parents etc) we're going to go for the idea where teenagers (our age 16/17/18) will be acting as children (reliving their memories). However, we maybe able to get a young boy (permission from my brother needed).
Location wise, we haven't decided yet, however the idea of going to an area where there are wide open spaces with trees and perhaps a lake is what we might end up going for in the end.

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