Friday 30 September 2011


Videos that have inspired us:
Rizzle Kicks - 'When I Was A Youngster'
This music video itself, is similar to what we want to do in our music promo. They have used people their age acting and playing like they were children again, re-enacting past memories (such as cowboys and indians). This music video was our inspiration to do the older people acting as children.

Ed Sheeran - 'The A Team'
                     'You Need Me, I Don't Need You'
These two music videos have inspired us in two different ways. The first video (the a team) has inspired us in  the way we are going to do our music promo. This is because it is all narrative without any performance which is almost the look we want to go for. The second music video has inspired us because the music video shows quick shots of items such as a couch, we're going to use this idea to show different childhood memories.


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