Tuesday 4 October 2011

Points to consider and useful terms

Points to consider
There are five points I need to take into consideration whilst thinking about my music promo. These are;
  1. Narrative is almost always subordinate to performance
  2. Songs rarely tell complete narratives, however the video itself may
  3. Music videos resist classic realistic narratives
  4. The audience consume the text in a looser more casual way
  5. Music videos need to have a repeatability built into them. How am I going to incorporate this into my music promo?
These are all good to keep reminding myself throughout the project and to see whether or not the music promo my group and I make fits in with what society wants today.

Useful Terms
  • Intertexuality - how does the text refer to other media texts? Why does this occur
  • Post Modern(ism) - where texts are created by copying and (re) using ideas/images etc that have been used in previous texts; often playful, shocking, unconventional
  • Organic/authentic = bands that create/write/play their own music - unconstructed
  • Manufactured/synthenic = bands that are produced - don't do opposite - more constructed

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