Friday 10 February 2012

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary texts?

We completed the three different tasks. These are what they look like;
*add in digipak, magazine article and video*
Our magazine article I feel follow the conventions of a typical music advert. It is advertising the band clearly and has bold colours. It represents the song well because it is linking into the whole ‘childhood memory’. We based our idea around the ‘the flourence and the machine’ magazine article (demonstrated in the first question) where we took several points from it and also based our writing around it. Even though I’d say this follows the conventions of a typical magazine article, not many include a whole page image of collages. Therefore I feel that this is an unconventional side of it. We haven’t included a star rating however, it isn’t a very common thing in most adverts to show a star rating (it is not intended). Plus we felt including a star rating amongst the writing we’ve got already may make the page look ‘tacky’.  This article represents the song well because it fits in well with what we had created throughout the music promo.

The music video itself I feel is quite unconventional in a way that it’s different to what’s around. Even though there are one or two different music videos out there that have a similar theme attached to it, they don’t seem to carry it on throughout, whereas this music video does. *add in screen shots and talk about them*

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