Friday 10 February 2012

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

My target audience for the music promo is people who prefer to listen to the acoustic genre. However, the acoustic genre is not everyone's 'cup of tea', so we are trying to also appeal to those people who may not listen to this particular genre. Also, we feel that we are aiming our music video toward people aged range between 18 - 40. This is because even though acoustic music is soothing and relaxing, we feel that Carl Hauck is more of the younger musician.

To enable us to construct our products, we had to create a questionnaire to receive feedback of what people like to see and what they’d prefer not to. By doing this we were able to work around the feedback to produce our final product. To receive our audience feedback, we asked face to face and on Social Networking sites (such as Tumblr and Facebook). The questionnaire below, is the questions we asked;

 We asked questions that what usually appear in a questionnaire, such as age and gender. These were just basic questions needed so we could see what different age groups liked what etc. However, we also asked questions that were related to the genre and by asking people what they think when they hear the song we choose, helped us get an idea of what we wanted to produce in our final product.

By doing this, we found out what percentage of people preferred what and how we could demonstrate their ideas throughout the music video. Even though the majority of people we surveyed were in the age range of 16-21, we still managed to get the information we needed to produce our final product.
-         Majority of people said that they expect to see close up/mid shots of the artist in an acoustic video.
-         1 in 3 (from Social Networking research) said they expect to see an old fashioned styled type video
-         75% of people surveyed expected to see an acoustic video either based in a woody area or in open fields
Baring these results in mind (and more) this could help us set out our location areas and also what people would vision the music video looking like.

We found that the majority of people that we received feedback from would prefer the setting to be in a rural location, with perhaps fields and trees in the background (taking it back to nature). We also found out that people would expect to see the guitar with the artist making this a typical convention of an acoustic genre music video. Finally, the way in which the performer should be dressed was based around the idea of our research and also our audience feedback. 

The second half of the feedback was developed after we had created our final pieces. To get this feedback I posted the final pieces on social networking sites (such as Facebook and Tumblr) and also posted the music promo onto YouTube to reach a wide target audience (the social networking sites were where our target audience was). We also received feedback from the artist that we used initially to see what he made of the promo. This was his response; "I really like the footage you filmed outdoors with you girls in it.  The old family photos are cool too.  The only odd thing for me was seeing someone else lip-syncing the song, but I’m guessing it’s probably fine to other people"

 As well as having people respond via internet, we also carried out a short questionnaire in which we recorded. These were the responses we got; 
Windjammer Music Promo Audience Feedback

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